A high quality ingredient to guarantee an exceptional and delicious taste. It is an essential addition to your dishes. When grilling or roasting, use it on chicken, fish, beef, lamb, or...
Sage has become a popular healing herb in Palestine since it was used by the people of Levant at the present time are still using sage as a healing herb...
Zaatar is an exquisite dried herb used heavily in the Middle East from medieval times to the present. To make our Al Ard premium Zaatar we mix toasted whole sesame...
From the holy land - the home of olive tree, where ancient traditions and age old farming methods guarantee ideal, high quality olives known for their superior taste & aroma,...
A mixture of aromatic Palestinian seeds and spices that can be sprinkled on leafy salads, grilled vegetables, legume pastes like chickpeas, and on simply cooked rice or lentils. All handcrafted...
Al’Ard Palestinian Green Olive Pickles are handpicked by the hands of Palestinian families carrying the heritage of their ancestors farming practices. These olives are from rain-fed Ancient Nbali and Roomy...
Exquisite taste and aroma are not enough, and that's why we offer you our unique organic extra virgin olive oil. Al Ard Organic extra virgin olive oil is produced from...
Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Black Seed OilAn ancient natural oil extracted from Palestinian Nigella sativa, often called black cumin, known in the Middle East as "the seed of grace".It is...
Are you aware of the fact that saffron has been used as a natural remedy for over 90 illnesses for the last four millennia? Today, saffron is mostly used as...
Are you aware of the fact that saffron has been used as a natural remedy for over 90 illnesses for the last four millennia? Today, saffron is mostly used as...
Are you aware of the fact that saffron has been used as a natural remedy for over 90 illnesses for the last four millennia? Today, saffron is mostly used as...
Are you aware of the fact that saffron has been used as a natural remedy for over 90 illnesses for the last four millennia? Today, saffron is mostly used as...
Are you aware of the fact that saffron has been used as a natural remedy for over 90 illnesses for the last four millennia? Today, saffron is mostly used as...