في هذا التخصص في الصين ، تتشابك بتلات الورد مع الشاي أثناء تجفيفه ، ويترك القليل منها للزينة ، مما يضمن توافق المظهر المرئي مع النكهة قدميها في فترة ما...
British Prime Minister Earl Grey gave his name to these hugely popular Decaffeinated Tea Bags back in the 1830s, and ever since have been thought of as a classic English...
A twist on the traditional bergamot-infused blend, Countess Grey is based on well-twisted orange pekoe teas, lifted by classic bergamot and a light orange flavour. Its light and delicate character...
يتم صنع شاي تشاي الفضفاض باتباع وصفة قديمة حيث يتم غمر الشاي الأسود بالأعشاب والتوابل الهندية لإنتاج مشروب دافئ ومريح يرضي ويرضي. استمتع بهذا المزيج الفاخر مع رشة من الحليب...
يتم تعطير هذا الشاي الصيني الشهير بزهور الياسمين الكاملة ، والتي يتم حصادها يدويًا في المساء عندما تكون رائحة الزهرة في أقوى حالاتها ، ثم يتم وضعها مع أوراق الشاي...
The soothing benefits of peppermint have long been known to aid digestion and clear the head. Carefully dried to preserve their flavour, blended peppermint leaves with a handful of safflowers,...
Blended sencha green tea, which yields a bright green liquid and a fresh, grassy flavour, with a light and floral jasmine-scented green tea. Known for its sweet and highly fragrant...
When the morning calls for something brisk, malty, and robust to get you started, you couldn’t do much better than to pour yourself a cup of English Breakfast Blend Tea....
Glendale FOP black tea grown in the Nilgiri Tea Estates of the Western Ghats in the mountains of southern India and boasts an intensely aromatic and fragrant flavour. With natural...
Grown only on the steep slopes of Darjeeling in West Bengal, its delicate flavour is perfectly balanced with the addition of Assam tea, which boasts a brisk, malty flavour and...